MGRS Mapper

Movement is the positioning of combat power to establish the conditions for maneuver (ADP 3-90), and maneuver is the employment of forces in the operational area through movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the enemy.

Forms of maneuver are distinct tactical combinations of fire and movement with a unique set of doctrinal characteristics that differ primarily in the relationship between the maneuvering force and the enemy.

Example Symbol: Airborne or aviation axis of advance

Description: The general area through which the bulk of a unit's combat power must move.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Axis of Advance

Example Symbol: Attack Helicopter axis of advance

Description: The general area through which the bulk of a unit's attack helicopters must move.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Axis of Advance

Example Symbol: Main Axis of Advance

Description: The principal attack or effort into which the commander throws the full weight of the offensive power at his disposal.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Axis of Advance

Example Symbol: Attack by Fire

Description: A tactical mission task in which a commander uses direct fires, supported by indirect fires, to engage an enemy force without closing with the enemy to destroy, suppress, fix, or deceive that enemy.‎

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Attack Helicopter axis of advance

Description: A tactical mission task in which a maneuver force moves to a position where it can engage the enemy by direct fire in support of another maneuvering force.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Aviation Direction of Attack, Codename AVON

Description: A specific direction or assigned route a force uses and does not deviate from when attacking.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Direction of Attack

Example Symbol: Direction of Main Attack

Description: An attack is a type of offensive operation that destroys or defeats enemy forces, seizes and secures terrain, or both.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Direction of Attack

Example Symbol: Cordon and Knock

Description: In a cordon and knock operation, counterinsurgency forces assemble around an area to provide security ("cordon") and then obtain permission to search the area from residents ("knock").

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Movement to Contact

Example Symbol: Cordon and Search

Description: A technique of conducting a movement to contact that involves isolating a target area and searching suspect locations within that target area to capture or destroy possible enemy forces and contraband.‎

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Movement to Contact

Example Symbol: Ambush

Description: An attack by fire or other destructive means from concealed positions on a moving or temporarily halted enemy.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Counterattack

Description: Attack by part or all of a defending force against an enemy attacking force, for such specific purposes as regaining ground lost, or cutting off or destroying enemy advance units, and with the general objective of denying to the enemy the attainment of the enemy’s purpose in attacking. In sustained defensive operations, it is undertaken to restore the battle position and is directed at limited objectives.
Note: The dashed lines in this graphic shall be displayed in present and anticipated status.

Reference: FM 1-02.1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Demonstration

Description: In military deception, a show of force in an area where a decision is not sought that is made to deceive an adversary.‎

Reference: JP 3-13.4

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Feint

Description: In military deception, an offensive action involving contact with the adversary conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the actual main offensive action.

Reference: JP 3-13.4

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Movement and Manuever - Attack

Example Symbol: Screen

Description: A type of security operation that primarily provides early warning to the protected force.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Security

Example Symbol: Cover

Description: A type of security operation done independent of the main body to protect them by fighting to gain time while preventing enemy ground observation of and direct fire against the main body.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Security

Example Symbol: Guard

Description: A type of security operation done to protect the main body by fighting to gain time while preventing enemy ground observation of and direct fire against the main body.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Security

Example Symbol: Forward Passage of Lines

Description: Occurs when a unit passes through another unit’s positions while moving toward the enemy.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Passage of Lines

Example Symbol: Rearward Passage of Lines

Description: Occurs when a unit passes through another unit’s positions while moving away from the enemy.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Passage of Lines

Example Symbol: Relief in Place

Description: An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit is replaced in an area by the incoming unit and the responsibilities of the replaced elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operations are transferred to the incoming unit.

Reference: JP 3-07.3

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Enabling Operations - Relief in Place

Example Symbol: Delay

Description: When a force under pressure trades space for time by slowing down the enemy’s momentum and inflicting maximum damage on enemy forces without becoming decisively engaged.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Retrograde Control Measures

Example Symbol: Retirement

Description: When a force out of contact moves away from the enemy.‎

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Retrograde Control Measures

Example Symbol: Withdraw

Description: To disengage from an enemy force and move in a direction away from the enemy.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Retrograde Control Measures

Example Symbol: Withdraw Under Pressure

Description: To disengage from an enemy force while under pressure and move in a direction away from the enemy.

Reference: ADP 3-90

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Retrograde Control Measures

Graphic Control Measures - Observation Posts

An observation post is a position from which military observations are made, or fire directed and adjusted, and which possesses appropriate communications.

Example Symbol: Observation Post

Description: A position from which military observations are made, or fire directed and adjusted, and which possesses appropriate communications. While aerial observers and sensors systems are extremely useful, those systems do not constitute aerial observation posts. Also called OP.

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Example Symbol: Reconnaissance Observation Post

Description: An observation post manned by a reconnaissance unit.

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Example Symbol: Forward Observer

Description: An observer operating with front line troops and trained to adjust ground or naval gunfire and pass back battlefield information. Also called FO.‎

Reference: JP 3-09

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Example Symbol: CBRN Observation Post

Description: An observation post manned by a Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) unit.

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Example Symbol: Sensor Observation Post

Description: An observation post manned by a listening device.

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Example Symbol: Combat Observation Post

Description: A reinforced observation post capable of conducting limited combat operations.‎

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Observation Post

Graphic Control Measures - Airspace

Airspace control are the capabilities and procedures used to increase operational effectiveness by promoting the safe, efficient, and flexible use of airspace (see JP 3-52). Airspace control measures are used to segregate, control, and reserve airspace for operations. Airspace control measures are also used to:

Example Symbol: Airspace Control Points

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Air Control Point

‎‎Description: A point easily defined and used for navigation, command and control, and communication. The point may be a terrain feature or an electronic navigational aid‎

Reference: ATP 3-52.1 and ATP 3-04.1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Communications Checkpoint

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Downed Aircrew Pickup Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Popup Point

‎‎Description: The location at which aircraft quickly gain altitude for target acquisition and engagement.‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Air Control Rendezvous

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Tacitcal Air Navigation

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Strike Initial Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Replenishment Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Unmanned Aerial System (UAS/UA)

‎‎Note: This particular symbol is used only with aviation units‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Strike Initial Point

‎‎Note: This particular symbol is used only with aviation units‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Combat Air Patrol Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Rescue Point

‎‎Note: This particular symbol is used only with aviation units‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Airborne Early Warning System

‎‎Note: This particular symbol is used only with aviation units‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Example Symbol: Surface Combat Air Patrol (SUCAP)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Airspace - Point

Graphic Control Measures - Maritime

The U.S. Army has sustainment maritime vessels that use maritime control measures to direct actions by establishing responsibilities, preventing ships, units, or aircraft from impeding one another, and imposing necessary coordination. Maritime control measures aid in the cooperation among forces without imposing needless restrictions on their freedom of action. In general terms, maritime control measures can be broken down into three groups: points, lines, and areas.

Example Symbol: Optical Fix

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Formation

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Harbor Entrance Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Reference Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Special Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Navigational Reference Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Datalink Reference Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Corrdior Tab Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Marshall Point

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Position and Intended Movement

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Pre-landfall Waypoint

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Estimated Position

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: Maritime Waypoint

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Point

Example Symbol: General Sea Surface Substation

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Non-Combatant Sea Surface Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Rendezvous Sea Surface Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Replishment at Sea Surface Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Rescue Surface Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Shore Control Station

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Sea Surface Stations

Example Symbol: Distressed Vessel

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Emergency

Example Symbol: Downed/Ditched Aircraft

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Emergency

Example Symbol: Person in Water/Bailout

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Emergency

Example Symbol: Iceberg

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Hazard

Example Symbol: Oil Rig

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Hazard

Example Symbol: Sea-Mine-Like

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Maritime - Hazard

Graphic Control Measures - Target Control Measures

A target is the object of a particular action, for example a geographic area, a complex, an installation, a force, equipment, an individual, a group or a system, planned for capture, exploitation, neutralization or destruction by military forces.

Example Symbol: Target Reference Point AB0001

Description: A predetermined point of reference, normally a permanent structure or terrain feature that can be used when describing a target location. Also called TRP.‎

Reference: JP 3-09.3

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Target Points

Example Symbol: Point Target AB001 delivered by missile launchers

Description: A target that is less than or equal to 200 meters in width and length.‎ A point target requires the accurate placement of bombs or fire.

Reference: ATP 3-09.3

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Target Points

Example Symbol: Nuclear Target

Description: Note. The point at the center of the target represents the desired ground zero.

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Target Points

Example Symbol: Linear Target

Description: A target that is greater than 200 meters in length and less than or equal to 200 meters in width.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Linear Targets

Example Symbol: Linear Smoke Target

Description: A target that is greater than 200 meters in length and less than or equal to 200 meters in width and the munitions is smoke.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Linear Targets

Example Symbol: Final Protective Fires

Description: An immediately available prearranged barrier of fire designed to impede enemy movement across defensive lines or areas.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Linear Targets

Example Symbol: Target Group Red with 3 TRPs

Description: Consists of two or more targets on which fire desired simultaneously, and is designed by a letter and number combination or a nickname.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Area Targets

Example Symbol: Bomb Area Target

Description: A target area to be bombed

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Area Targets

Example Symbol: Fire Support Station

Description: An exact location at sea within a fire support area from which a fire support ship delivers fire. Also called FSS.

Reference: JP 3-02

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Target Control Measures - Area Targets

Graphic Control Measures - Mobility and Countermobility Control Measures

Mobility and countermobility are subordinate tasks within the movement and maneuver/maneuver warfighting function. Mobility and countermobility are complementary opposites. Mobility is focused on friendly force movement and maneuver, and countermobility is focused on affecting or thwarting enemy mobility.

Mobility is a quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission.

Countermobility operations are those combined arms activities that use or enhance the effects of natural and man-made obstacles to deny enemy freedom of movement and maneuver, and includes proper obstacle integration with the maneuver plan, adherence to obstacle emplacement authority, and positive obstacle control.

Example Symbol: Obstacle Bypass, Easy

Description: Obstacles are any natural or man-made obstruction designed or employed to disrupt, fix, turn, or block the movement of an opposing force, and to impose additional losses in personnel, time, and equipment on the opposing force.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Mobility

Example Symbol: Obstacle Bypass, Difficult

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Mobility

Example Symbol: Obstacle Bypass, Impossible

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Mobility

Example Symbol: Gap, Codename "Sword"

Description: An area free of armed mines or obstacles whose width and direction allow a friendly force to pass through while dispersed in a tactical formation.

Reference: FM 1-02.1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Mobility

Example Symbol: Passage Lane

Description: A lane through an enemy or friendly obstacle that provides a safe passage for a passing force.

Reference: FM 3-90-2

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Mobility

Example Symbol: Bridge

Description: The location of a single bridge or rafting site, or in an initial assault a site for the crossing of assault boats or for the swimming or fording of vehicles on a broad front.

Reference: ATP 3-09.30

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Water Crossing Site

Example Symbol: Ford, easy

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Water Crossing Site

Example Symbol: Ford, difficult

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Water Crossing Site

Example Symbol: Ferry Crossing

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Water Crossing Site

Example Symbol: Block

Description: An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to stop an attacker along a specific avenue of approach or to prevent the attacking force from passing through an engagement area.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Disrupt

Description: An obstacle effect that focuses fire planning and obstacle effort to cause the enemy to break up its formation and tempo, interrupt its timetable, commit breaching assets prematurely, and attack in a piecemeal effort.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Fix

Description: An obstacle effect that focuses fire planning and obstacle effort to slow an attacker’s movement within a specified area, normally an engagement area.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Turn

Description: An obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort to divert an enemy formation from one avenue of approach to an adjacent avenue of approach or into an engagement area.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Obstacle Line

Description: A conceptual control measure used at battalion or brigade level to show placement intent without specifying a particular type of linear obstacle.

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Planned Explosives State of Readiness

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Explosives, state of readiness 1 (safe)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Explosives, state of readiness 2 (armed but passable)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Roadblock complete (executed)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Abatis

Description: An obstacle constructed by the felling and interlacing of trees across a route.

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Countermobility

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle, unspecified

Description: Obstacles created with manual labor and or equipment.

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (single fence)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (double fence)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (double apron fence)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (low wire fence)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (high wire fence)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (single concertina)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (double strand concertina)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Wire Obstacle (Triple strand concertina)

Reference: TM 3-34.85

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Constructed Obstacles

Example Symbol: Antitank ditch (under construction)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Antitank ditch (completed)

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Antitank ditch reinforced, with antitank mines

‎‎Note: The teeth typically point towards enemy forces‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Fixed and prefabricated antitank obstacle

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Moveable Antitank Obstacle

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Moveable and Prefabricated Antitank Obstacle

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Example Symbol: Antitank Wall

‎‎Note: The teeth typically point towards enemy forces‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Mobility and Countermobility - Antivehicle Ditches and Walls

Graphic Control Measures - Landmines

A land mine is a munition on or near the ground or other surface area that is designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity, or contact of a person or vehicle, and a minefield is an area which is dangerous because of the presence or suspected presence of land mines.

Example Symbol: Antipersonnel mine

Description: ‎‎Designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person and that will incapacitate, wound or kill one or more persons.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Antipersonnel mine with directional effects

Description: ‎‎Designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a person and that will incapacitate, wound or kill one or more persons.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Moveable Antitank Obstacle

Description: ‎‎A mine designed to immobilize or destroy a tank.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Antitank mine with anti-handling device

Description: A device intended to protect a mine and which is part of, linked to, attached to or placed under the mine and which activates when an attempt is made to tamper with or otherwise intentionally disturb the mine.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Wide area antitank mine

Description: An antitank mine that detects and acquires targets then launches subammunition that attacks the top of the targets.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Unspecified mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Booby trap

Description: A device designed, constructed or adapted to kill or injure, which functions when a person disturbs or approaches an apparently harmless object or performs an apparently safe act.‎

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Trip wire

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Landmines

Example Symbol: Minefield - Unspecified Mines

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel Mines

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mines

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine and antipersonnel mine with directional effects

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine and antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects and antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine with antihandling device and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antitank mine with antihandling device and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Wide area antitank mine and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel mine with directional effects, and antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel mine with directional effects, and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel mine with directional effects, and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antipersonnel mine with directional effects, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antitank mine, and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antitank mine, and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antitank mine, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antitank mine with antihandling device, and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, antitank mine with antihandling device, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine, wide area antitank mine, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, antitank mine, and antitank mine with antihandling device

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, antitank mine, and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, antitank mine, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, antitank mine with antihandling device, and wide area antitank mine

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, antitank mine with antihandling device, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Example Symbol: Minefield - Antipersonnel mine with directional effects, wide area antitank mine, and mine cluster

Reference: JP 3-15

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Minefield

Graphic Control Measures - Fortifications

A field fortification is an emplacement or shelter of a temporary nature which can be constructed with reasonable facility by units requiring no more than minor engineer supervisory and equipment participation.

Example Symbol: Shelter

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Example Symbol: Above Ground Facility

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Example Symbol: Underground Facility

Description: A sophisticated complex structure designed and built to be unobserved and to provide maximum protection.

Reference: ATP 3-21.51

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Example Symbol: Fort

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Example Symbol: Fortified Line

Description: Note, the ramparts typically point toward enemy forces‎‎‎.‎

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Example Symbol: Fighting Position

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Fortifications

Graphic Control Measures - CBRN Events

Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events control measure symbols depict those conditions found in an area resulting from immediate or persisting effects of chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (CBRN) attacks or events. CBRN event plumes are formatted and processed by the warning system and are broadcast to operational unit common operational pictures to provide a standardized picture of CBRN hazard effects throughout the operational environment.

CBRN Events example

The symbol above represents 3 enemy chemical nerve agent event delivered by canister at 0700 Zulu hour, on 30 JUN 2008, location HS10211948.

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Chemical

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Biological

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Radiological

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Nuclear

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Chemical contaminated area

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Biological contaminated area

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Radiological contaminated area

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Example Symbol: CBRN Event - Nuclear contaminated area

Type: Graphic Control Measure - CBRN Events

Graphic Control Measures - Routes

A route is the prescribed course to be traveled from specific point of origin to a specific destination. Routes may have different designated functions to effectively support freedom of movement. The commander may designate specific functions, restrictions, assign names, numbers, or alphanumeric designations to area of operation routes.

Example Symbol: Route

Description: The prescribed course to be traveled from a specific point of origin to a specific destination.‎

Reference: FM 3-90-1

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Generic Routes

Example Symbol: One way traffic

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Generic Routes

Example Symbol: Two way traffic

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Generic Routes

Example Symbol: Alternating Route

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Generic Routes

Example Symbol: Main Supply Route

Description: The route or routes designated within an operational area upon which the bulk of traffic flows in support of military operations. Also called MSR.‎

Reference: JP 4-01.5

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Sustainment Routes

Example Symbol: Alternate Supply Route

Description: A route or routes designated within an area of operations to provide for the movement of traffic when main supply routes become disabled or congested. Also called ASR.‎

Reference: FM 4-01

Type: Graphic Control Measure - Sustainment Routes