Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George

The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St. George is an Equestrian Order whose origins date back to the Emperor Constantine, after the appearance of the Cross at Saxa Rubra, and is therefore considered one of the oldest Orders of Knighthood.

The main purpose of the Order is the propagation of the Faith and the glorification of the Holy Cross and makes its active contributions in Social Welfare and Charity.

The current Grand Master is H.R.H. Prince Charles of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro and Head of the Royal House.

The Grand Master governs the Order assisted by the Royal Deputation, formed by the Grand Charges: Grand Prefect, Grand Prior, Grand Chancellor and Grand Treasurer; by the President, Vice President and Secretary and by Deputies who are appointed for a three-year period. H.R.H. the Grand Master is also assisted by a Magisterial Judicial Council as well as by a Magisterial Commission for all matters of heraldic nobility questions. The Knights and Dames are divided into three categories: Justice, Grace and Merit.

The Italian Government has formally recognized the legitimacy of the Order and, since 1963, authorizes Italian citizens to bear the Order’s decorations as per art. 7 of Law 178 of March 3rd 1951. The Order is also registered as a ‘Legal Entity’ at the Chancellery of the Court of Naples.

Italian citizens awarded the Cross of the Order may join the Italian National Associations of Constantinian Knights (A.N.C.C.I.) instituted as a Moral Entity by Decree of the President of the Republic on 30 March 1973.

Since August 2011, the Constantinian Order exercises a consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (UN-ECOSOC).

The Order has delegations in all Regions of Italy, in most European Nations, in the Unites States of America, and is present in numerous other countries of the world.