ASK THE MONEY LADY: Can’t help the poor – if you are the poor

Christine Ibbotson

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ASK THE MONEY LADY: Can’t help the poor – if you are the poor Back to video

Dear Rhonda, you can’t help the poor and starving, if you are the poor and starving! There are so many fabulous entrepreneurs who like yourself are eager to help people and change the world with their wonderful work; but unfortunately, if they don’t master how to get paid, they will end up broke. Sometimes it could be a simple change of your mindset or even your daily routine to prosper and improve. Or it could be a total business overhaul needed to get you back on track again. When you start a business, you usually start off small and try to do things “ on the cheap.” You are watching every dollar and certainly don’t want to pay for something that you could do yourself. You start with passion, drive, determination, and you are living the mantra: “S elf-employed people work 16 hours a day for themselves, so they don’t have to work 8 hours a day for someone else.”