8 Free Customer Satisfaction Survey Templates

14 Actionable Live Chat Metrics to Start Tracking Today

Customer satisfaction surveys are vital for measuring success within many customer-facing teams. However, making them is easier said than done. We’ve found that getting started is usually the hardest part, and we wanted to pitch in to help get you over the hump.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of eight free customer satisfaction survey templates you can use to get the creative juices flowing.

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Why use customer satisfaction surveys?

There are several great benefits to implementing a customer satisfaction survey form strategy within your customer-facing team's efforts:

Customer satisfaction survey templates

Different templates for customer satisfaction surveys have various benefits and uses. For instance, if you are trying to gain insights about a specific event or interaction during the customer lifecycle, you may use a different survey than you would if trying to understand how likely a customer is to recommend your product.

Here are eight free customer satisfaction survey templates to implement in your own business.

1. Customer satisfaction survey

Customer satisfaction surveys — also known as CSAT — are ubiquitous amongst customer-facing teams. You can choose to include them right within your email signature, as we offer within Help Scout, or you can send them as an automated email after an interaction has finished.

They’re typically done on a 10-point scale or with the options of a variant of "Good," "Neutral," and "Bad." Some companies choose to include an optional text box that a customer can fill out after answering the ranking section.

For this survey, you ask a single question of the customer, which can vary based on your intent. Here are some questions you might consider for your customer satisfaction survey:

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4 Meaningful Customer Satisfaction Metrics, Compared

2. Customer service satisfaction survey

Like customer satisfaction surveys, customers use these surveys to rate their satisfaction after an interaction or experience with your customer service team. Like other customer satisfaction surveys, customer service satisfaction surveys are typically done on a 10-point scale or with the options of a variant of "Good," "Neutral," and "Bad."

You may also add an option to allow customers to provide additional feedback. Some companies even ask a different question based on how the customer has ranked your service on the scale. For instance, if someone gives you a 10, you could then say, "We're so happy you love it! What could we keep doing to keep you excited?" Or, if someone gives you a 2, you can say, "We're sorry to hear that you're unhappy! What can we change?"

Here are some customer feedback survey template questions that you can implement for your team to measure how satisfied your customers are with your customer service:

3. Business to business survey

Business to business (B2B) surveys are different from customer-facing (B2C) surveys. They use different language, are sent out with a different frequency, and often have different goals for their responses.

B2B surveys generally have a lower response rate because companies send them to smaller pools of people. They help businesses understand how their partners are feeling about the services they offer and ask if there are any improvements they could make.

Here are some questions that you could use as a customer satisfaction survey form for your B2B customers and partners:

Like the customer satisfaction surveys, you could have customers rank these on a 10-point scale or with a selection between "Very Satisfied," "Neutral," and "Dissatisfied."

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<a href=B2B Customer Service: What It Is and How To Do It Well" width="" />

Customer Service
B2B Customer Service: What It Is and How To Do It Well

4. Net Promoter® Score survey

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is slightly different from the prior customer satisfaction survey templates. It ranks how a customer feels about your brand and product rather than a service or interaction. For instance, NPS would ask something like:

Marketing or product teams typically use these surveys' responses rather than customer-facing groups. While the responses from NPS surveys are often quite helpful, they don't always have the same direct application as the responses to some of the other surveys.

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How To Use NPS to Measure Your Customer Experience

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How To Use NPS to Measure Your Customer Experience

5. Event satisfaction survey form

Many businesses host events as an additional boost to their marketing strategies. In-person or virtual events are a great way to cultivate community amongst your users and customers and can be a handy way to glean insights passively.

After hosting an event, it's essential to ask how your attendees felt about it. Not only can this help you understand what your customers appreciated at the event, but you also know what to change in the future to get even higher engagement.Here are a few examples of questions that you might include in a survey like this:

As you can see, there are a variety of events represented here. Feel free to use these within a customer feedback survey template and change the words based on the event you are hosting.

6. Employee satisfaction survey

One of the best ways to create a successful business is to ensure that your employees are successful. Because of that, your employees' satisfaction is just as important as your customers’. You can also reuse any customer satisfaction template for an employee satisfaction survey.

Your company could include a 10-point ranking question, as in the CSAT surveys above, or could even ask a more direct qualitative question for your employees to answer. Employee satisfaction surveys are typically sent out once a quarter and are a bit longer than the one- or two-question surveys you'd send customers. They might include questions like:

7. Client satisfaction audit

An audit is a bit longer than the typical one- or two-question survey. When doing a client audit, the customer feedback survey template for this type of inquiry should include questions about each aspect of the customer experience. Your questions should cover:

After a customer fills out your client satisfaction audit, you will have a more holistic view of which aspects of your company they are most favorable toward and where your most significant opportunities are.

8. Anonymous feedback form

Anonymous feedback forms are slightly different from the other customer satisfaction survey templates because they don't have a specific response type or ideal user. Often a company will include this on its site as a catchall. Any user or customer may stumble upon this form and submit a response.

Because of that, you should leave this survey intentionally open-ended. Anonymous feedback forms are helpful because customers are often comfortable sharing more candidly when they are anonymous than they would be otherwise. This is especially true if the insights they share are constructive rather than positive.

Keep your thumb on the customer's pulse

Regularly surveying your customers helps keep all of your company informed on what they are thinking, feeling, and needing in the moment. There are tons of different surveys out there, and each one will yield different results for your team to act upon.

Some of these free customer satisfaction survey templates are better for understanding potential changes to your marketing or product strategy. In contrast, others will help to impact how your business handles support directly. Identify what you are trying to influence, and implement the surveys to get you the insights you need.