OFAC Compliance Hotline
Welcome to OFAC’s Compliance Hotline. Do you have questions about how to comply with OFAC sanctions? Before you send us a query, please review the following options for quick assistance with common requests.
- If you want to check OFAC’s sanctions lists, including the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list, please visit: Sanctions List Service.
- For guidance on how to assess potential matches to one of OFAC’s sanctions list, please see our FAQ on the topic: FAQ 5: How do I determine if I have a valid OFAC match?
- If you want to apply for an OFAC authorization or check the status of an existing license application, please visit: OFAC License Application Page.
- If you want to submit a required report to OFAC, please visit: OFAC Reporting System.
- If you want to appeal an OFAC designation or other listing, please visit: Filing a Petition for Removal from an OFAC List.
- If you want to submit a voluntary self-disclosure, please visit: Submit voluntary self-disclosures electronically.
If you have questions about how to comply with OFAC sanctions not answered above, send your queries to us directly by clicking on the button below.
Visit the Compliance Hotline

OFAC’s Compliance Hotline is a resource for the public to contact OFAC for guidance on how to comply with OFAC-administered sanctions programs and tips for navigating OFAC’s website to find helpful guidance published by OFAC, such as answers to frequently asked questions. Click on the button below to contact OFAC via its Compliance Hotline.